Most people have to work during the day, leaving the dog alone for hours. The Pet Companion Robot tags in when people can't play any longer.
As any dog owner knows, there is nothing sadder than a big pair of puppy dog eyes. It’s a phenomenon that occurs every morning as owners leave for work. Dogs just want to play with a companion, but during the work week, most people can’t offer that. Instead of opting in for a second dog, the Anthouse Pet Companion Robot offers a high-tech solution.
This robot is the Roomba version of a dog’s best friend. With a companion app, owners can control their Pet Companion Robot over Wi-Fi. Owners can dispense treats, change speed, record video, and more. A live-streaming camera is built into the robot. After taking video or a few pictures, owners can save or share them directly from the app. Does the dog still miss its owner? Using the walkie-talkie button, human companions can speak through the robot via a built-in speaker.

For exercise, the Anthouse features a mini tennis ball launcher. Depending on the space, the Pret Companion Robot can be set to launch the ball 8, 16, or 28 feet. If the dog spends its day outside, 28 feet might be more fitting. Inside a small apartment, however, 8 feet might break fewer objects.
Meal times have also been simplified with Anthouse. no longer does the dog have to be hungry until after work. Using the treat dispenser, owners can schedule feeding at fixed times. Whether it’s a small dog or a monster, the serving size can fluctuate for proper feeding.After a full day of play, even a companion robot can grow tired. When the battery gets low enough, Anthouse automatically finds its way back to its wireless charging station. A full battery provides between 160 and 320 minutes of continuous use with a charge time for four hours. Along the way to the charge station, it uses obstacle and barrier avoidance to detect nearby objects and avoid a collision.
The Anthouse Pet Companion robot is available for pre-order on Kickstarter starting at $349. Buyers have a choice between white or yellow and should expect their purchase by December. At the time of writing, the device has raised over 36 percent of its final goal with 32 days left of funding.

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